Updated: May 5, 2021

Maximize The Impact of Your Tweets By Optimizing Twitter

Only 5% of those who follow you on Twitter see and read your tweets in their feed. Not a particularly encouraging number so it’s essential that you optimize your Twitter experience to maximize each individual tweet you send.

No one reads every Tweet in their feed, including professional marketers. In truth the US only has 31 million active daily Twitter users that can be monetized meaning real accounts and not business or media accounts. 

If you sell Internationally, daily marketing on Twitter is a must. If you sell only in the US, continue to use Twitter, but don’t spend marketing dollars on the platform. Your marketing budget is better spent on Google, Facebook and YouTube ads.

It’s important to remember that 66% of US Twitter users are males and only 34% are females. If you have a 100% female targeted product or service, I suggest you waste little time and effort on Twitter all together and consider focusing on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook instead.

of Twitter Users Are Outside the US
0 %
million daily US users
of US Twitter users are male
31 %
are affluent millennials
0 %
access on a mobile device
0 %

Is your product or service Twitter-friendly?

In short, if your demographic is females over age 40 with children, Twitter is not going to do much for you. If your product/service targets male millennials, you’re in the right place!

Analyze Your Followers

Look deep into Twitter to find out what tweets and content are resonating with your followers. Pay close to attention to specific segments of followers, including Twitter lists. The easiest way to accomplish this is to look at Notifications. From there you can see who is engaging with your content and how influential they are (retweets, followers, etc.).

Identify Themes And Patterns

Optimizing tweets means you’re saving yourself time above all else. You send five tweets, but only one received any engagement – well now you know the pattern of content. Those other four tweets were a waste of your time. From now on you’ll work to tweet only content that your followers will engage with and thereby allowing them to build your following.

An optimized tweet may contain an image (preferably a GIF) and may be wordy with links to an article or YouTube video.

You’ll want to identify your top followers. Which of your followers has the largest individual following and engagement on Twitter? Look at your Notifications and look at each follower who regularly engages with your content. Follow that follower. Comment and like and engage with that follower.

more engagement from tweets with GIFs
0 %
use Twitter to get news
0 %

Nations That Tweet

U.S. (48.3 million)

Japan (35.65 million)

Russia (13.9 million)

U.K. (13.7 million)

Real Content Takes The Prize on Twitter

Twitter users are always hungry to share real content. They want to be the first to learn something and share it, so keep them well-fed on content.

Look At Your Twitter Analytics

Regularly browse your data to better understand what content your followers crave.

Pay special attention to the following four key metrics:

      • Most popular Tweet
      • Who is following you that has the most followers
      • Top Mention
      • Top Media Tweets

With this information you can personalize your content dramatically increasing engagement and placing your content directly into the sight line of influential followers or non-followers alike.

Though the analytics can go into far more depth don’t jump down that data rabbit hole just yet. Focus on keeping up to date with the most relevant information – what’s happening and what content engages your demographic.

Optimizing With Time

Next up on our Twitter optimization experience is to optimize your tweets for the time of day your followers are more likely to engage and interact the most.

You can do this manually (and you should start manually in my opinion) but if you desire a fully automated experience you can use any number of basic social media marketing platforms (Hootsuite, Social Sprout, etc.).

You may want to try using eClincher to glean some basic time optimization information.

Now if you’re using a hashtag strategy (to take advantage of trending hashtags only when they’re relevant to your product or service) you can post anytime if that hashtag is trending where your customers live. No need to waste your time using a hashtag strategy in Russia if you ship only to the US and Canada.

This information will get you started on Twitter but always remember the golden rule in marketing – if it leads to no conversions it’s a waste of both time and money. Make sure you know whether your Twitter efforts are paying off. 

Two Quick Ways To Identify Twitter ROI

You need to know whether Twitter is driving any traffic to your landing page (preferably one designed for your Twitter followers specifically). I suggest using both the discount code and Google Analytics methods.

Twitter Only Coupon Code

Share a discount or coupon code or offer with your Twitter followers only. Brand the code that your Twitter followers will enter at checkout with the word Tweet or Twitter making it easy for you to track whether your time spent on the Twitter platform is worth it.

Google Analytics

If you're a ServerWise client you can have your Analytics account activated and placed on your WP dashboard. If you're not you'll want to use Google Analytics directly by going to Acquisition – Overview – Social in your Google Analytics account.

If you’re not happy with the numbers in your account, take another look at your tweets and optimize your Twitter strategy.

If you’re not happy with the numbers, and you’re a ServerWise client, open a ticket and one of our Twitter experts will guide you until you are happy with your numbers.

Picture of Annika Doroshenko
Annika Doroshenko
Annika is the ultimate remote employee spending much of her time traveling with her husband and friends. When not traveling or working with her digital marketing clients Annika and her husband call a little town outside of Copenhagen, Denmark home.